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AFP Houston May 2023 Education Session
Friday, May 19, 2023, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
Category: Events

Community-Centric Fundraising 

Join us for the Friday, May 19, educational session focused on Community-Centric Fundraising (CCF). Via facilitated conversation, OneStar Foundation Chief Development Officer Michelle Flores Vryn and 4.0 Chief External Officer Lereca Monik will share: an introduction to the CCF practice and movement; what has surprised them to learn about CCF; how they have witnessed CCF successfully applied; CCF resources and a Q/A time.  

Speaker Bios:

Michelle Flores Vryn, CFRE

Michelle has 15 years of nonprofit experience, raising funds for environmental conservation, higher education, and civic engagement. She has worked in all facets of development: major gifts, institutional giving, membership, capital campaigns, special events, and annual giving.

Before joining OneStar as Chief Development Officer, she worked in international fundraising. 

Michelle sees herself as a lifelong learner, disruptor, and cross-sectoral community-builder. She is a proud board member of Mission Capital and the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Global.

When not at work, Michelle enjoys watching beauty and interior design tutorials on YouTube, meditating, enjoying local trails and spontaneously dropping in on live music around Austin. Connect with Michelle on LinkedIn.



Lereca Monik

Lereca puts her trust in the evolution of modern philanthropy. She imagines a world in which philanthropy exists to truly solve the inequities it hopes to change.

She is a results-oriented executive with leadership experience serving various non-profit agencies and small businesses. In her role as the Chief of External Affairs at 4.0, she is responsible for growing the agency’s philanthropic revenue while furthering the organization's overall mission through strategic marketing communications and evaluation and learning. She has proven success in constructing mission-driven fund-development and marketing plans to exceed desired results, guiding teams with fostering and cultivating constituent relationships and converting prospects into principal investors. 

The question she asks herself and others is...."how do we transform philanthropy from a donor-centric to a community-centric model?" We’ve got work to do! Let’s imagine a new philanthropic culture.

When she is not focused on philanthropy, she spends her time taking long walks at the park and with her daughter LeReine. Her life’s purpose is to help others achieve their personal and professional success goals by coaching them on how to harness The Agape Advantage's power, unconditional love, to impact their communities.

United Way of Greater Houston
50 Waugh Drive
Houston, TX 77007

This session has been approved for 1 point of CFRE Credit 

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